Design Inspirations for Kitchen and Bath Remodeling

Home Design

Collecting Design Inspiration from Houzz & Pinterest 

Online sources of home design and remodeling inspiration are getting more popular and user-friendly. These sources can make starting a collection of design ideas easy and collaboration a breeze. Below we share a few of our favorites.

Transitional kitchen design by Drury Design

To get the most out of your first few meeting with your Drury Design professional designer, we recommend you arrive prepared with a portfolio of kitchens or baths that appeal to you and your family. Not only should you collect photos of full rooms, but images of room elements, appliances, fixtures and swatches of color that you like also help us to get to know your tastes.

Drury Design contemporary bathroom design with wooden cielings

As you flag photos and ideas that interest you, take a moment to note what it is you liked about each one. Once you’ve accumulated a few dozen ideas, it won’t be so easy to remember that you liked one picture for the lighting fixtures, while another really had a color palette you were drawn to.

Transitional kitchen design with gran countertops and cabinets by Drury Design

It’s worth saving photographs of kitchens you don’t like too! At your first face-to face with your interior designer, he or she will be able to review all your ideas and help identify the design approaches you prefer.

transitional kitchen design by Drury Design

Where do you go to gather these remodeling inspirations? Home decorating magazines are always a good choice, but there are many online options available to help you build your portfolio. We share a few of our favorites here.


Houzz is a website and online community that places homeowners and professionals together to share ideas, interior design inspiration, start conversations, and inquire about partnerships. Houzz’s website contains many advice articles written by professionals as well as an endless amount project showcases. On Houzz, when you like a picture or concept, you can add it to an Ideabook, which you can also share with your designer or family members. Out Houzz page currently showcases 100+ projects, visit here to get inspired.


As social media’s fastest growing site, Pinterest is one of the most popular places online to be inspired. Start by following Drury Design’s very own Pinterest page where you can quickly see examples of different types of design styles. This will help you decide what terms to search on to get more ideas. For example, searching for “traditional kitchen backsplash” will provide you with hundreds of images. You can choose your favorites by pinning them to your personal Pinterest folder that you can share with your designer. You can even give folder access to your designer or family members so they can also pin photos to a shared folder.

drury design transitional bathroom design

Get out there and get inspired! Then share your ideas with one of our professional designers, who will use their remarkable talent to create the space that you are envisioning. For more design ideas, give us a ring at 888.444.1055 or contact us here.