Stay the Course with Kitchen Remodels

Kitchen Design

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Much like the game of golf, it’s no secret that home remodels can be a frustrating process. And when the room in question is the kitchen, a high-traffic area that’s vital to many households’ lifestyle, the remodel can feel like it’s full of sand traps and rough patches. However, it’s important to “stay the course” throughout the process in order to end up under par.

Manage expectations from the beginning for a smooth kitchen remodel.

To stay on track with a kitchen remodel, make sure your expectations and your timeline are realistic from the beginning.

One way to help your kitchen remodel stay on track is by managing your expectations from the outset. The process for a typical kitchen redesign, from the first design meeting to a new, finished kitchen, can take anywhere from 4-8 months. The remodel process can be further broken down into design, ordering cabinets and materials, and installation:

Designing takes about two to three months and includes reviewing three to six rough plans, selecting a final floor plan, completing all of the final drawings (plan, electrical, and elevations), and selecting and finalizing all of the material choices. This process is about four to six meetings, which includes the labor walk-through at the clients’ house.

Ordering occurs once the designs are finalized. Cabinetry lead time can be anywhere from six to eight weeks, and designers often prefer to start the job at least one or two weeks before the cabinets are delivered.

Installation occurs on the job site, and from the demo of the your “old” kitchen to the brand new, functional, kitchen, installation takes about six to twelve weeks or longer, depending on the scope of the project.

Don't rush the kitchen design process.

Take your time during the kitchen design process to ensure you and your family end up with a kitchen you’ll enjoy for years.

Although it may be tempting to rush through any remodel, the design process is incredibly important. Taking your time during the design process lets you explore all of your options and discover what home remodel works best for you and your family. Patience and a steady hand with the design process will guarantee you a “hole in one” with a functional and eye-catching space that your entire household will love!

Free Kitchen Design Guide Download

To learn more about the kitchen remodel and design process, download our free kitchen design guide here.

Free kitchen design guide download