Chicago Tribune Kitchen Design Story – How Pros Prevent Expensive Errors

Kitchen Design, News Releases

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On March 21, 2010, the Chicago Tribune featured an interview with Gail Drury, CMKBD and president of Drury Design, in “Designers and architects can save you money: Pros prevent expensive home-improvement errors“ by Kari Richardson.

Preventing expensive home-improvement errors

On March 21, 2010, the Chicago Tribune featured an interview with Gail Drury, CMKBD and president of Drury Design, in a feature article – Designers and architects can save you money: Pros prevent expensive home-improvement errors by Kari Richardson.  This article interviews serveral home design and remodeling Chicago are experts to discuss the value of hiring experienced professionals when tackling a home remodeling design project.

Here is a excerpt…

“People think that homeowners who hire a designer have high-end, luxury projects,” Drury said. “In reality, we can save people time and expensive mistakes.”  A lot of it is simple engineering stuff,” she said. “Most beginning designers have made one of these mistakes once early on in their careers — and they will never make it again.”

Read the full article here. 

With over 1,000 Chicago area custom kitchen and bath projects in our collective Drury Design client portfolio, we’re ready to help you tackle your greatest challenges with award-winning designers, an infinite material selection and an experienced installation team.

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