Incorporating Televisions In Home Design

Bath Design, Kitchen Design

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A lot of time is spent in the kitchen, bathroom and other areas in which the room’s décor is critical. With today’s technologies, you can easily hide video screens and music speakers virtually anywhere.

Written by: Rick Aikins – FirstPoint Residential Communications – A/V Specialists

A lot of time is spent in the kitchen, bathroom and other areas in which the room’s décor is critical. With today’s technologies, you can easily hide video screens and music speakers virtually anywhere.

There are three main techniques used to hide televisions in these areas.

mirror tv for kitchen design

Built In TV’s can go almost anywhere (FirstPoint Image)

Mirror TV’s

Today’s mirror TVs boast fantastic picture quality. When turned off, your bath or kitchen will have a fully functional mirror. However, when turned on, the TV will fill some or most of the mirror area to display a TV image and can use built-in speakers or send audio to speakers installed elsewhere in the room.

For bathrooms with multiple mirrored surfaces, mirrors and frames that match the mirrored TV are widely available for a consistent look and feel, which maintains the proper aesthetic of your custom design.

motorized tv mount kitchen design

Motorized lifts can add unique opportunities to mount TV’s in the kitchen

Motorized lifts

Especially effective in busy kitchens, a full line of motorized lifts can be used to hide your TV. Drop down lifts can be used to hide the TV behind cabinets and then drop down when needed above the counter space.

Or, at the end of a counter or within an island, pop-up lifts can be employed to raise a TV from a hidden space when needed. The TV can then also pivot for great viewing from all around the room.

flat panel HDTV picture frame

HDTV’s can be conealed with custom framed artwork

TV as a Work of Art –

In some locations, particularly above fireplaces in great rooms, or in master bedrooms, the stately décor and ambiance of the room can best be maintained through motorized artwork that conceals the flat panel television.

High definition screen prints of your family, custom artwork or custom frames are all available. You can even replace the artwork over time as your family grows.